Celopro MT4016 (CELOTECH) - Rakem Group
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Celopro MT4016 (CELOTECH)

Cellulose ether for cement-based systems
Celopro MT4016 is a non-perishable product. It is recommended to use the product in rotating on a first in first out basis. The product should be stored under dry and clean conditions in its original packaging and keep away from heat. The packaging is selected in a way to avoid ingress of moisture, but the water content of the packed product will / may increase if not stored dry.
Celopro MT series are offered in two types of package:
1. Small bags: 25kg per bag. Packed in multilayer paper bags, with inner PE bag.
2. Big bags: 500kg per bag.

This information is based on our present state of knowledge and is intended to provide general notes on our products and their uses. It should not be construed as guaranteeing specific properties or suitability for a particular application

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